Chronological Plant Blooming Sequence for Kansas City, Missouri - 2016 (Very dry winter, very wet spring, very hot June. Had three very large trees removed around the property in June.) 02/27 Crocus 03/02 Forsythia 03/06 Daffodil 03/09 Henbit 03/12 Hyacinth 03/14 Violets 03/15 Burning Bush 03/25 Dandelions 03/28 Tulips, Indian Strawberry 03/29 Creeping Phlox 04/03 Lilac, Ajuga 04/04 Celandine Poppy 04/07 Sweet Woodruff 04/10 Spring-blooming Anemone 04/15 Bachelor Buttons 04/16 Wild Geranium 04/17 Azalrea, Lily of the Valley, Comfrey 04/20 Clematis (from a recently moved plant) 04/23 Dame's Rocket, Salvia/Sage, Astilbe, Asian Honeysuckle, Strawberry Begonia 04/25 Blue False Indigo, Columbine 04/26 Daisy 04/27 Cranesbill Geranium 04/28 Iris, Coral Bells 04/30 Roses 05/04 Japanese Iris, Three-leaf Clover 05/06 Spiderwort 05/07 Peony 05/08 Mock Orange 05/09 Missouri Primrose (pink), Clover 05/12 Catmint 05/14 Missouri Primrose (yellow) 05/15 Hydrangea 05/20 Threadleaf Coreopsis (a new bloom after a week of cool, rainy days) 05/21 Creeping Sedum (may have bloomed a few days earlier) 05/22 Balloon Flower, Pincushion 05/23 Clematis 05/26 Ohio Horsemint 05/27 Smartweed 05/30 Asiatic Lily 05/31 Echinacea 06/01 Yellow Day Lily 06/02 Clustered Bellflower, Torch Lily 06/05 Common Evening Primrose 06/06 Purple Loosestrife (single flowers) 06/07 Bee Balm, Prairie Coreopsis, Mexican Hat 06/08 Day Lily 06/10 Purple Milkweed 06/11- 06/15 (gone during a string of nearly 100 degree days) Butterfly Bush, Chicory, Pale Purple Coneflower, Gray-headed Coneflower, blue Asters, Shasta Daisy, red Phlox, pink and purple Bee Balm, American Germander, Dill, Button Bush 06/18 Rose of Sharon, Red Threadleaf Coreopsis, Fennel, Geum, Morning Glory 06/19 Culver's Root, Russian Sage 06/21 Tomato Soup Echinacea 06/22 Wild Petunias 06/23 Hostas, Black-eyed Susans, white Asters 06/26 Whorled Milkweed, Butterfly Weed, Slender Mountain Mint 06/27 Pink Garden Phlox 06/29 Blackberry Lily 06/30 Mint 07/03 Ironweed 07/05 Fernleaf Yarrow 07/06 Ligularia 07/17 Cup Plant, Hardy Hibiscus 07/20 Monkey Grass, Swamp Milkweed 07/21 Surpise Lily, Purple Asters 08/01 Goldenrod 08/12 Blue Lobelia 08/18 Blue Mist 08/25 Obedient Plant 08/26 Passion Flower, White Anemone 08/28 Purple Turtlehead 09/01 Spanish Needles 09/09 Pitcher Sage, American Burnweed