Chronological Plant Blooming Sequence for Kansas City, Missouri - 2018 (Very dry winter but with more snow/rain/sleet events than last year.) 02/20 Crocuses, Surprise Lilies, Daffodils above ground 02/28 Crocus 03/16 Forsythia, Daffodil, Hyacinth 03/30 Speedwell, Violets, Dandelions 04/05 Creeping Phlox 04/11 Flowering Quince 04/13 Tulips 04/18 Grape Hyacinth 04/20 Ajuga 04/21 Spring Blooming Anemone, Celandine Poppy 04/24 Lilac 04/28 Wild Geranium 04/29 Sweet Woodruff 05/02 Dame's Rocket 05/05 Lilly of the Valley 05/06 Comfrey, Azalea, Salvia, Chives 05/07 Threadleaf Bluestar 05/08 Daisy 05/09 Iris, Clematis 05/10 Cranesbill Geranium 05/12 Japanese Iris, Knockout Rose, Baptisia, Bluestar, Cat Mint, Coral Bells 05/14 Spiderwort, Mock Orange, Old Fashioned Rose 05/15 Showy Primrose (pink) 05/17 Peony 05/20 Missouri Primrose (yellow), Creeping Sedum 05/26 Clustered Bellflower 05/27 Butterfly Weed 05/28 Purple Loosetrife 05/29 Day Lily 05/30 Asiatic Lily, Common Milkweed, Threadleaf Coreopsis 06/04 Wild Petunias, Red Coreopsis 06/05 Plains Coreopsis 06/06 Purple Dwarf Bee Balm 06/08 Echinacea 06/09 Red Bee Balm, Whorled Milkweed 06/11 Balloon Flower 06/12 Slender Mountain Mint 06/13 Rose of Sharon 06/16 Shasta Daisy, Gray-headed Coneflower 06/18 Princess of the Prairie, Ironweed 06/27 Passion Flower/Passion Vine 06/30 Phlox, Rattlesnake Master 07/04 Black-eyed Susans 07/08 Hardy Hibiscus 07/18 Blue Mist, Hydrangea, Belladonna Lily 08 Obedient Plant, Cup Plant, Asters, Anemone, Hairy Bergamont, Goldenrod