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102024	God's Horn in rotation at Radio Wigwam.

101924	Look Who's Come to Call on Lonely Oak Radio today.

	Thank in advance to the following curators, bloggers for 
	their Real Flower Pots song reviews and shares:

	American Pancake
	Cosmonauta Radio
	West Jupiter
	Rockola Indie
	Zona Emergente

101724	The Real Flower Pots on the 
	Play it Again Show show on 
	Way Out Radio tonight at 7 PM.

101624	AI tagged God's Horn as Prog Rock.
	So many emotions.  Also:

	Pigeon Falls
	Indie Rock (46%)
	Alternative Rock (38%)

	Folk (32%)
	Alternative Rock (22%)

	Look Who's Come to Call
	Alternative Rock (33%)
	Indie Rock (24%)

	Alternative Rock (35%)
	Indie Rock (28%)
	Shoegaze (16%)

	Thank you MoochilaTv for playing 
	God's Horn.

101424	Banks Radio Australia playing 
	something from The Real Flower Pots 

101224	"Keeping it Local" radio show playing 
	Look Who's Come to Call this evening.

	RealFlowerPots.com originally pointed 
	to our BandCamp page.  Moved it here 
	to provide more info about the project.

100724	The Scene double-dipping wiht Pigeon 
	Falls and God's Horn.

091624	Pigeon Falls out now.

	The Real Flower Pots getting 
	plays today from 
	The Scene with Pretty Boy
	The Local Show on Warrior Radio.

093024	Thank you Pretty Boy for playing Pigeon Falls.

092924	Thank you Warrior Radio for not only 
	spinning Pigeon Falls but also Girl for 
	Samson's One Pass.

082924	Thanks KKFI  for playing The Real 
	Flower Pots' God's Horn.

	Sent Patrick Fake as Straw (from 
	Jam #9) for Real Flower Pots.  I 
	added words, melodies and a few 
	synth parts.  He's going to sort out 
	the arrangement and then make me 
	come up with a chorus.

082824	Send Patrick DEFACE for Real Flower 
	Pots.  This was built from all of 
	my discoveries during my obsession 
	with the DFEACE tuning.
	Added a verse to Pigeon Falls.

082724	Thanks to The Scene w/ 
	Pretty Boy for spinning The Real 
	Flower Pots' Holiday last night.

082524	Added bass and drums to DEFACE.

081924	Sent Pigeon Falls to Patrick yesterday 
	for Real Flower Pots but now I am 
	agonizing over "pews of sleepy proles" vs 
	"rows of sleepy proles".

081724	Got a middle-of-the-night verse for Pigeon 
	Falls.  Pretty much have it finished.  Need 
	to add a few more vocal takes and tinker 
	with the drums but will send to Patrick on 
	Monday.  Sent him a reference file today.

081624	Words and vocals for Pigeon Falls bridge.

081524	Added a bridge to Pigeon Falls.
	This is an unverving act but I 
	almost always survive it.  I think 
	it came out really well.  Added 
	piano solo, acoustic guitars, bass, 
	conga (back of classical guitar) 
	and vocals.  I think this song 
	is too far along to make it a 
	Real Flower Pots production.

081424	I dreamed the a chunk of a 
	song a few days ago (Pigeon Falls) 
	and as always tried to capture 
	the spirit of it in Pro Tools.  I 
	rarely get the feel of the dream 
	but I always get something. 
	Patrick helped with me some 
	MIDI connectivity issues so 
	now it's all plonky, sparky and 

081324	Added better bass and acoustic 
	guitar takes to Pigeon Falls.

081124	KC radio station KKFI playing 
	something from The Real 
	Flower Pots on 08/29/24.

080924	Decided to celebrate my 
	birthday by getting some 
	JMLP and other jams that are 
	on my phone set up as songs 
	in Pro Tools.  Session-70, 
	Session-76 and Deface now 
	share a birthday with me.  I 
	love you guys. 

080124	Had a sleepless night which 
	was useful for coming up 
	with better words for Drain 
	the Last of the Sand.

073124	Patrick working on Quatro.

072824	Spent a couple of days on 
	Drain the Last of the Sand.  
	Spent most of today on the outro.  
	Sent it to the man who has to mop 
	up after me.

072624	Added melodies, bass and 
	percussion to Drain the Last of the 
	Sand and sent to Patrick for 

072424	Started on Real Flower Pots 
	song #6 currently titled Sound 
	Hold but soon to be titled Drain 
	the Last of the Sand.

072324	Set up distribution for what will 
	tentatively be titled "Here Come 
	The Real Flower Pots".

071724	Holiday is available for 
	doing stuff to right this very now.

071624	Heard the final mix of Holiday
	Should have the master tomorrow.

	Worked on melodies and synth  
	stuff for song #9.  This will likely 
	go on the 2nd album.

071224	Patrick sent me a rough mix 
	of Holiday.

071124	Look Who's Come to Call out 

071024	Got the final mix for Look 
	Who's Come to Call from 
	Patrick.  Should be out 
	this week.  May also have 
	Holiday out in the next 
	week or so.  These are 
	really good songs.

070824	The Scene is playing some 
	Real Flower Pots music on 
	their show tonight.

070224	Saturnine is available for streaming 
	and downloading.

	Patrick will start on Holiday next.

	Fun JMLP rehearsal right up until 
	my Jazzmaster died.

	Decided this morning that it makes 
	sense for me to finish all of the Real 
	Flower Pots stuff I have on hand 
	before starting another solo album.
	And finishing all of the Real Flower 
	Pots stuff I have on hand I shall do.
	Started on song #9.

070124	Saturnine will be the next Real Flower 
	Pots release.

	"Of a person: having a tendency to be 
	cold, bitter, gloomy, sarcastic, and slow 
	to change and react."

063024	Sent P. a mix of Saturnine with my 
	new parts added.  Let the hand-wringing 

062924	Got inspired and recorded some alt 
	drum and bass parts for Saturnine.  
	Also add some jumpy piano.

062724	Patrick sent me Saturnine (this was 
	Ravioli in my unfinished songs box) to 
	consider for any additional parts.

	Thank you  Barry Lee and KKFI 
	for the spin.  Every time somebody 
	plays Dingus 
	on the radio grumpy Thomas gets a .

062424	Patrick is working on some 
	of his contributions and mixing 

	Summary: Don't bother Patrick.
	He's super busy.

061224	God's Horn now 
	available on SoundCould.

061124	I bought a Boss SL-2 last weekend.
	That and this stupid DFEACE 
	tuning are about to make me go mad 
	with bits.  Do I make a 20 minute 
	song out of this barrel of bits or do 
	I make 4 reasonably-sized songs?

060724	First Real Flower Pots single 
	"God's Horn" available today 
	exclusively on BandCamp.

060524	Got a mix of Look Who's 
	Come to Call back from P.

052224	Got the first God's Horn mix 
	back from Patrick.

051724	It's painful listening to past 
	recordings.  All I hear are 
	my influences.  I would like to 
	think that I have finally found 
	my own "voice" but I'll wager a 
	future review will prove me 
	wrong.  I wonder if Burton 
	Cummings feels this way.

043024	Started work on one of the 
	DFEACE songs.  Going with 
	Sonny Philip's Magnet Box.

042924	Unweildy pile of ideas 
	using DFEACE turning 
	and freshly learned 9th 
	chords swaying in my 
	head fruit.

041224	Did a bit more editing 
	on God's Horn and sent 
	a V3 mix to Patrick.

041124	Bravely added a 40 
	measure bridge to 
	God's Horn .  It was 
	terrifying and exhilarating.

040524	First mix back for 
	God's Horn .  This is 
	going to be glorious.

	Started fooling around 
	with some 9th chords.  
	Tenatively titled Here 
	Come the Ants.

	Scheduled some time 
	with Danny to write a 
	song ala Seven Little Eyes.

033124	Sent Patrick the session 
	for Real Flower Pots 
	song #6 - now named 
	Storm Shelter #6 after 
	adding some alt takes 
	of bass, lyre and lap 

	Girl for Samson "12" 
	and "sleepnovox" 
	remixes available 
	everywhere tomorrow.

032924	Added lyre, bass, 
	cabassa, hi-hats, 
	snare, lap steel and 
	lyre to song #6 
	currently titled  
	Shelter Jam #6.

032824	Added a xylophone, 
	lyre, set of triangles 
	and a pair of UFIP 
	hi-hats to the arsenal 
	today.  I have fantasies 
	about worming my 
	1970s blue sparkle 
	Ludwigs back into my 
	space.  I don't think I've 
	used them up here since 
	I record the drums for 

032524	Sent Patrick the session 
	for Real Flower Pots 
	song #10 - now named 
	Look Who's Come To Call.

	That puts 3 of his that I 
	fleshed out in the queue:

	God's Horn
	Look Who's Come To Call

	and he is in various 
	stages of completion 
	with 5 of mine.

032424	Getting after RFP #10. 
	This is one Patrick 
	knocked off in a day 
	but was never moved 
	enough to come up 
	with a vocal melody.  
	One of the advantages 
	of not having much of a 
	melodic range AND not 
	being a perfectionist is 
	that any collection of 
	3 to 5 notes is enough 
	to inspire me to the  
	mediocrity you've come 
	to love and deserve.

	Added vocals, classical 
	guitar and harmonica 
	and sent him P. a mix 
	before I write words and 
	get better takes of things.

032224	Came up with lyrics in 
	like 3 seconds for RFP #12. 
	which is now Holiday. 
	Sent a copy to my comrade 
	for review.

032124	Added loads of hand 
	percussion to RFP #12.  
	Also added a lap steel 
	and sampled a didgeridoo 
	for some warped 

032024	Sent P. my ideas for 
	his Real Flower Pots 
	demo DFAM-fun.

031524	Started on another 
	Real Flower Pots song.
	#12, I think.  Trying to  
	find an inspiring melody 
	using an instrument that 
	only has 4 note holes.

031324	Sent P. the God's Horn session.

031224	God's Horn: Re-sang everything 
	and started the process of trying 
	to get better recorder parts.  
	Tracked the bass recorder right 
	before a Petunias practice.

031124	Sent Patrick a mix of God's Horn.

030924	Started fiddling with vocals 
	on Real Flower Pots 
	Groove 3.  Added cello, 
	viola, recorders, bells, 
	banjo and classical guitar.
	Bought a nice recorder set 
	that included a soprano 
	and bass for sugar on top 
	later this week.

	Note to future self: research 
	how to stop Pro Tools from 
	incrementing the input channel 
	assignment every time you 
	create a new track.

	Note to future self: buy viola 

030824	Starting work today on Real 
	Flower Pots stuff.  Groove 3, 
	for the record.

030724	Fiddled with some sampling 
	using Structure.  Fiddled 
	with recording with Boom.  
	Fiddled with recording the 
	Sire.  Fiddled with getting 
	my cello up to code.  Made 
	a fiddle out of a two liter 
	coke bottle and a dust 

	Got a pile of beautiful grooves 
	from Patrick for Real Flower 

030624	Real Flower Pots songs are 
	officially in progress.  My 
	demo Ravioli is currently 
	under construction and I'll 
	be starting on something 
	new today.

120723	Talked to Patrick about 
	doing something together 
	once I am finished with 
	Blind Cat Missing.  Will 
	call it The Real Flower Pots.

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Real Flower Pots Blog
Real Flower Pots Reviews