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01/01/24 Something, something slide into 2024!

01/01/23 Happy New Year!

04/21/22 Is there a better time to invest in vintage 35mm slides? Maybe. Maybe not. Try it and find out. Is that called "speculation"?

01/01/22 Try searching the website for the words New Year.

05/11/21 If you've had your shot it is safe to buy vintage slides again! Celebrate your freedom!

09/27/20 Search the site with the keyword Halloween.

01/01/20 Happy New Year!

12/03/19 Your yearly reminder that vintage slides make great Christmas presents FOR YOURSELF!

10/03/19 Cellphones are the new family photo album.

03/12/19 Remember: while everything going on in the world is rotton - vintage slides are still awesome.

01/01/19 Happy 2019!

11/26/18 Remember, you can make offers on full lots of family slides.

06/24/18 Reunited another lot of lost family slides with a family member. What a thril!

06/03/18 Finished scanning and posting the Frank Kinsey Family and Moorestown New Jersey Family lots.

05/06/18 Finished scanning and posting the Jack Knudsen Family and Van Winkle Family lots.

04/18/18 Back to working on this lot. Probably one of the sexiest I had the privilege to paw through in quite a while!

04/14/18 Finished listing this lot this afternoon:

Unknown New Jersey Family

04/13/18 Finished listing this lot:

Unknown Richmond, VA Family (350 slides)

04/02/18 Fixed the PayPal link issue in the Models/Fashion/Risque slide section.

04/02/18 Finished posting the Eugene Becker/Don Becker photo album.

03/31/18 Finished listing the New Jersey Family. Now resuming work on the Eugene Becker photo album.

03/27/18 Started on this lot of slides today:

Unknown Richmond, VA Family (350 slides)

03/26/18 Finished posting these 2 lots today:

Unknown Great Neck, NY Family (500 slides)
Miller - Earl A. Miller/Walter T. Everest - Pennsburg, PA 1950s-1960s (100 slides)

03/22/18 Starting on 3 new lots today:

Jack Knudsen and/or Raleigh E. Woltmann from Iowa (400 slides)

Van Winkle Family from Carlinville, IL (600 slides)

Unknown Great Neck, NY Family (500 slides)

03/19/18 Will start working on 4 new collections of vintage slides next weekend.

03/18/18 Added a Make Offer link to all of the family pages. Just follow the Discounts link at the bottom of the page header.

03/16/18 Finished posting the Dick Baxter/Chuckie Grosse slide collection.

03/11/18 Resumed work on the Floyd Richard Baxter/Dick Baxter Family slide collection. In the early 1980s now.

03/10/18 The Andersen Family lot is up!

03/06/18 Should have this small batch of slides from the Andersen Family from Cozad or Gothenburg, NE up by the end of the week. Incidental and purposeful shots of Mac's Music, Fashions Clothing Store (Meridan & 8th), Cozad Art Club, Ode O' Day, Post Office on 9th, Western Auto, Cafe, Hansen & Waters Auto, Drug Store, Cozad Water Tower and F&S Sausage Company.

03/05/18 Nearly done with the 1970s portion of the Floyd Richard Baxter photo album. I have about ten 1980s-1990s lot to go. Should have these finished in about a week.

03/04/18 Hit a fun few rolls of film fom the Floyd Richard Baxter Family slide collection that includes pictures of vintage stores like Jay's Circle Restaurant - Henderson, Texas, Minit Burger Restaurant, Hawkshaw's Gifts/Hawkshaw's Cafe - Nashua, New Hampshire, Big John's Grocery Store, Scotts Family Center, Ramada Inn, Shell Service Station, Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge & Restaurant and The Coffee Mug Coffee Shop.

03/03/18 About 1/3 of the way through the Dick Baxter Family lot. Seeing some wonderful early 1970s views of Milwaukee/Wisconsin locations like St. John's Cathedral, Milwaukee Federal Parking, John's Parking, Firestone, Dunlop Tires, Cathedral Square Park, Pfister Hotel Tower, The Village Green Motor Lodge, Arrows Trailer Court, Milwaukee City Hall, Weyenberg Shoe, Layton Place, Shaxted House of Linen, Milwaukee County Zoo, George Webb Restaurant, Babe & Ray's Motel and Cocktail Lounge, Prudential Insurance Company Wisconsin Shores Agency, Victorio's Restaurant, First Wisconsin Center, George Watts & Son Inc., Great Midwest Savings & Loan, M&I Bank, Maryland Casualty Company, Heritage Bank, White Manor Inn and Whitnall Park.

02/26/18 I've sorted the new lots and have descriptions of the collections up:

Floyd Richard Baxter/Dick Baxter Family

Unknown Midwestern Family (Jim & Craig)

02/24/18 Starting on a couple of large lots next week. Can't wait to start the process!

02/23/18 Wrote and implemented the code for buying whole lots at a discount.

02/22/18 Contemplating writing code that would add a Buy It Now for entire family lots, factoring in a volume discount based on what is remaining in the collection.

02/16/18 First few sets of slides from the Seedle/Albright family have been posted.

02/14/18 Starting on a lot of slides from the Seedle/Albright family from Kansas and/or Colorado. Should have it up by March.

02/13/18 And the Robert Tonjes lot is up!

02/12/18 Started posting slides from the Robert Tonjes lot.

02/09/18 Finished posting the Grinberg lot and started posting slides from the Johnson County, Kansas Family.

02/08/18 Just six boxes of slides left to post from the Nelson Grinberg collection. Should have them up tomorrow.

02/07/18 Got the first box of slides from the Johnson County, Kansas Family collection up.

02/05/18 Sorting a couple of slide collections from Kansas and Missouri families this week. I believe that one lived at 83rd and Rosewood in Prairie Village. Possibly Robert Tonjes I'm still looking for clues in the other lot. The son, named Rick, played baseball for Ranch Mart (shopping center) and football for Marion Labs (Ewing Kauffman) in 1968ish. He was also active in scouts. There are pictures of a jamboree in Prairie Village. Grandmother perhaps Emma Jane. She was about 70 when Rick was in the 8th grade. The family visits Jane Phillips in St. Louis. Family dog in the late 1960s was Spook. Should start scanning and posting from these lots in a few weeks.

02/04/18 Got several lots up from the Nelson Grinberg collection of slides. Some really fun views of New Jersey and Philadelphia.

02/03/18 Finished scanning the Nelson Grinberg slides. Should have them all up in about a week.

02/02/18 Got the first box of slides up from the Nelson Grinberg collection..

01/31/18 Finished the Beaudoin Family lot.. What an extraordinary family! I hope you enjoy the collection.

01/30/18 Busy working on a collection of slides from 1953-1965. The focus appears to be on Flora & Hester Beaudoin, Father Ross Beaudoin, Valeria Pakaski and Sandra Pakaski. The Beaudoins were devoted to dance (both teaching dance at a very late age) and active in Dance Masters of California and Dance Masters of America. Flo and Hes owned and ran "Beaudoin's Dance Studio" at 464 Colorado Avenue in Palo Alto.

Once this lot is posted I will start on a 700+ lot of beautiful slides taken by photographer Nelson Grinberg.

01/29/18 A couple lots from Vietnam in 1968 just added: Vietnam/Saigon 1968 and Vietnam 8th Medical Detachment Dispensary

01/01/18 Happy New Year!

12/01/17 The holiday season is here. Be that weirdo that gives vintage slides as a gift.

04/22/17 Paypal issue resolved. Please buy lots of vintage slides now.

04/19/17 Having issues with the PayPal payment links. Am working on a fix as quickly as possible.

01/01/17 Happy New Year!

10/04/16 Did you travel with Alice & Helen Freeland in the 1960s, 1970s or 1980s? You may be pictured in their vacation slides.

08/23/16 Did you know that most new scanners now have attachments for scanning 35mm slides as a standard feature? I'm not talking special order scanners. I'm talking anywhere flat bed scanners are sold.

07/14/16 An unknown roadside attraction - perhaps a Mother Goose-related theme park, in the 1950s. Found on the Amusement Parks page.

06/02/16 Pictures of homes in a Webster or Rochester, NY in the 1970s. From the Boy Scouts of America - Troop 333 - Webster, NY photo album.

02/11/16 Two children riding a scrambler at an amusement park in 1979. From the Ralph Anderson slides album.

12/08/15 Woman Adds Herself to Other People’s Old Photos. (I love her.)

12/07/15 Grandmother gets an aerial view of some property for a Christmas present in 1959. From the awesome William G. Cox slides album.

11/21/15 Marvin carvin' the Thanksgiving turkey in shorts circa 1969. From the Marvin Eichenlaub Family Album.

10/09/15 Confused looking children gathered for Sherry's birthday party in 1956. Cool hats and terrifying clown cake. More than one boy either in overalls or pants with suspenders. From the Stanton Family Album.

09/11/15 A young girl in mod sunglasses and dress posing in a car in 1967. From the Odin, Illinois Family Album.

08/31/15 A young boy posing with a large camera and a blonde wig in 1955. From the Robert Brannon Family slides page.

08/05/15 Nearly 80 slides showing a pool party in 1978. The pool deck chairs are amazing! Taken from the Texas Family slide collection.

07/23/15 A young girl strolling near an active Little League baseball game. Found in the Family/Holiday/Travel slides album.

06/26/15 9 slides showing a young man and a friend in 1973. There are two pictures that suggest skinnydipping. Found in the Models/Fashion/Risque photo album.

06/17/15 A man, a little girl and a creepy looking doll. From the Family/Holiday/Travel slides album.

05/29/15 37 nice slides from a trip to Brussels & Amsterdam in 1981. From the C.D. Campbell slides album.

05/24/15 Greenwich Village portrait painter in the 1950s or 1960s. From the Town Views/Street Scenes slides album.

05/17/15 Santa's Village amusement park in Lake Arrowhead, California. From the John Davey slides album.

05/08/15 A lot of 34 slides, most appear to be of a homecoming parade through Littleton, Colorado in the 1970s. From the Street Scenes / City Scenes / Town Views / Buildings / Places slides album.

05/03/15 Five slides from a blonde model's portfolio taken in 1968. From the Models/Fashion/Risque photo album.

04/27/15 Eight 35mm slides taken at a camping trip in 1968. From the William Cox slides page.

04/24/15 Before cell phones and computers people would document moments in history by keeping their newspapers or taking a picture of the TV screen. This is a shot of the Kennedy funeral in 1963. From the Misc./Unusual/People/Things slides page.

04/22/15 A girl trying on her tall white boots in the late sixties. Girls this age generally preferred cowboy boots. Always love the exception. From the Benecki Family family album of slides.

04/18/15 A few pictures taken during the holidays in 1959/1960. Includes this wonderful shot of a small boy washing the holiday turkey. From the Roger Verseput family album.

04/15/15 One picture of Frontier Village in San Jose, CA. in 1968. From the Amusement Parks, Roadside Attractions, Tourist Traps slides page.

04/14/15 Get 10% back on any vintage concert ticket stub order of $50 or more at

04/12/15 A roll of film featuring pictures of a vintage snow blower, wheelbarrow, grill and lawnmowers. From the Robert L. Cobb photo album.

04/11/15 A single 35mm slide of a boy riding his bike down the street in California in 1962. From the Family/Holiday/Travel page.

04/10/15 35 amature pictures of the Worlds Fair in Knoxville, TN in 1982. From the John Davey slides page.

04/07/15 Our friends and associates at are having a 40% off sale on vintage high school and college annuals. These are actual yearbooks with paper pages - not digital copies.

04/02/15 This, my friends, is a picture of a box full of kittens. From the Midwestern Family slides page.

03/31/15 Some important pictures documenting young Cheryl's long hair right before getting it cut in 1965. From the Wichita Kansas Family slides page.

03/30/15 The Brannons visit Dodge City, Kansas in the 1960s. From the Robert Brannon Family slides page.

03/29/15 The Pattersons posed in front of an air-conditioned tour bus in the 1960s. From the Family/Holiday/Travel slides page.

03/27/15 A full box of slides (36) that appear to be of historic Charleston in 1976. From the Bonnie & Brian Collection slides page.

03/26/15 A woman, possibly a model, posed beside a Plymouth in California circa 1974. From the Misc./Unusual/People/Things page.

03/24/15 Pictures from a family's vacation in Missouri's Lake of the Ozarks in the 1950s. From the Family/Holiday/Travel page.

03/23/15 Eight pictures of the kiddie rides at Willow Grove Amusement Park in Pennsylvania in 1959. From the Amusement Parks, Roadside Attractions, Tourist Traps page.

03/21/15 From a 1965ish Florida vacation, a few pictures of the Malaga Motel & Apartments. From the Vacationing Family photo album.

03/20/15 A couple of 35mm slides showing an American Airlines passenger jet in 1960. From the Neil DeFazio family album of slides.

03/19/15 A few pictures of the Gate-Way Motel taken in 1970. From the Jack Weikel family album.

03/18/15 Nice shot of a soldier sleeping on the deck of a boat in the 1950s. From the Franklin Graham photo album.

03/17/15 Friends having a beer and grilling in the backyard in 1958. From the Events/Activities slides page.

03/16/15 Children in their Ben Cooper Halloween costumes in 1977. From the Ralph P. Anderson family album.

03/15/15 Four young women at an outdoor event in 1968. Imagine how, at their age at the time this photograph was taken, these women would appear today. From the Models/Fashion/Risque photo album.

03/13/15 A late 1940s picture of the school building in Pleasanton, KS. From the Kansas City in the 1940s, 1950s & 1960s album.

03/12/15 A parade somewhere in Mason County, Michigain in 1959. Parades used to be a thing. From the John Schaltz slides album.

03/11/15 A reddened slide show what appears to be a roadside attraction billed as The Smallest House in the US. The film was processed in June of 1961. From the Kansas City in the 1940s, 1950s & 1960s album.

03/10/15 A child, most likely in Pleasanton, KS, dressed as a cowboy and posing next to a very large slide in the late 1940s/early 1950s. From the Kansas City in the 1940s, 1950s & 1960s album.

03/09/15 A late 1940s picture of the Linn Movie Theatre and Dresker Electric Company in Pleasanton, KS. You can see that the theatre was showing "Cynthia" with Elizabeth Taylor. From the Kansas City in the 1940s, 1950s & 1960s album.

03/08/15 Found more pictures of Pleasanton, Kansas from the late 1940s that I'll be adding to the Kansas City in the 1940s, 1950s & 1960s album this week.

03/07/15 A fun picture of two young girls fiddling with a statue of a naked human in 1986. From the John Davey family album.

03/06/15 23 city views of Covington, Kentucky taken in 1986. You can see a Holiday Inn, Gulf Service Station, Waffle House and Bonanza Streak House. From the Town Views slides album.

03/05/15 A boy playing with a dump truck in a sandbox in the early 1960s. From the DeKam Family photo album.

03/04/15 A nice picture from a roll of shots of a backyard party in the 1970s. From the Dale N. Bower collection of slides.

03/03/15 A boy and his mother playing with a table top hockey game in 1961. From the Family/Holiday/Travel album.

03/02/15 Pictures from a California vacation in 1968 that appears to include a trip to Disneyland and the It's A Small World attraction. From the Indiana Family album.

03/01/15 Two men dressed as Playboy bunnies in 1970. They are serving drinks in a bar. They look like they could be football players or some other kind of athletes. From the Misc./Unusual/People/Things slides page.

02/28/15 Fifteen pictures from 1978 of an unknown amusement park/kiddieland that featured a beautiful Super Slide. From the Amusement Parks slides page.

02/27/15 Several pictures of the Laurel Lea Motor Lodge & Restaurant from 1966. The lodge was on Route 302 in Nova Scotia, Canada. It was run by Mike Shulack. From the Robert L. Cobb Family album.

02/26/15 A parking lot view of Anthony's Pier 4 Restaurant in Boston taken in 1975. From the Street Scenes / City Scenes / Town Views / Buildings / Places album.

02/25/15 An early Christmas morning with a boy, his father and dog posing with a brand new Cash Register, Truck and Tinkertoys in the early 1950s. From the 1950s American Family album.

02/24/15 From a roll of film shot in Chicago - the Round the Clock Restaurant and Fountain taken in 1968. From the Indiana Family album.

02/23/15 Someone helped me ID this picture of the Butler, Missouri courthouse and square taken in the late 1940s. From the Kansas City in the 1940s, 1950s & 1960s album.

02/22/15 Finally identified the pictures in this roll of film. I initially believed there were of Strong Avenue in Kansas, KS. I've since received confirmation that they are old pictures of downtown Pleasanton, Kansas (including the Western Auto and Tip Toe Inn) in the late 1940s. From the Kansas City in the 1940s, 1950s & 1960s album.

02/21/15 This roll of film is mostly of the Ash Tisdelle Auto sales and service team in the 1990s. From the Ash Tisdelle, Inc. album.

02/20/15 Pictures of Tokyo and Switzerland in 1969. From the Japan/China Trip - 1969 album.

02/19/15 Skip playing the piano in the living room in the early 1960s. From the Dave Meyer Family album.

02/18/15 Girls in formal gowns in a High School gym in the 1970s. From the Odin, Illinois Family album.

02/17/15 It's Tuesday and it's bitter cold. You deserve something special. How about this picture from 1955 of a woman in bunny ears next with a drink in her hand standing next to a totem pole in her living room? You're very welcome. From the Robert Brannon Family album.

02/16/15 Two men in Texas engaged in cockfighting in the 1950s. The birds are beautiful. From the Texas Family album.

02/15/15 Womens sack races at the Milton Bradley Athletic Association Annual Family Outing on August 17th, 1963. This year the event was held at High Meadow in Granby, CT. From the Robert Cobb - Milton Bradley Company collection of slides.

02/14/15 A neighborhood all-kid rock band from 1976. Any child that has an instrument is accepted. From the Ralph P. Anderson family album.

02/13/15 One photograph of a living room in 1964. LOOK AT THE LAMP! From the St. Louis Families album.

02/12/15 Here's a picture of downtown Chicago taken in 1968. You can see The Cart Restaurant/Cocktails/Prime Rib, YMCA, East Harrison Street and Avis. From the Indiana Family album.

02/11/15 18 pictures of The Pennsylvania Dutch Farm and Memorytown in Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania.. From the Pennsylvania Amusement Parks slides album.

02/10/15 Just a wonderful shot of a children's birthday party in the 1950s. From the 1950s American Family photo album.

02/09/15 Doris doing a great Mariln Monroe pose.. From the Stanton Family photo album.

02/08/15 A snowy shot from the 1940s of Strong Ave. in Kansas City, KS. You can see the Tip Toe Inn Restaurant Inn and a Texaco Gas Station. From the Kansas City in the 1940s, 1950s & 1960s photo album.

02/07/15 One picture of the Bagnell Dam Invester Owned Union Electric sign in the Ozarks in 1981. From the Town Views page.

02/06/15 18 pictures of the New York World's Fair in 1964/1965. From the Neil De Fazio family album.

02/05/15 A 1959 view of The Flamingo, hosting the National Association of Retail Careers event. From the Neil DeFazio family slides album.

02/04/15 Nice picture of the The Wigwam Motel in Holbrook, Arizona From the Neil DeFazio album.

02/03/15 Fremont Street in Las Vegas, Nevada circa 1959. You can see The Mint, The Boulder Club and The Horseshoe Club. From the Neil DeFazio slides page.

02/02/15 Pictures of the Rams and Packers game at the Los Angeles Coliseum on 12/14/58. From the Neil DeFazio slide album.

02/01/15 New York Jets quarterback Joe Namath & wide receiver Don Maynard getting ready to run through a path comprised of cheerleaders at a game vs the Oakland Raiders at Shea Stadium in 1967. From the Neil DeFazio slide collection.

01/31/15 Nice picture of a commercial district in Santa Monica. You can see Barker Brothers, Bob Burns, JC Penny's, Bank of America, Thom McAn Shoes and more. From the Neil DeFazio family album.

01/29/15 Somebody's collection of Nazi memorabilia in 1964. From the Robert L. Cobb Family family album.

01/28/15 Young girls playing a board game and covered in Silly String in 1978. From the Family/Holiday/Travel page.

01/27/15 Dear friend, please enjoy this 1960s aerial view of Pittsburgh. From the Town Views page.

01/26/15 Johnny J. Jones Exposition carnival in the late 1940s/early 1950s. From the Kansas City in the 1940s, 1950s & 1960s slides collection.

01/25/15 Starting on this lot of 1940s-1950s views of Kansas City, Memphis & Miami.

01/24/15 These pictures were taken in 1969. the year Nixon authorized bombing in Cambodia. While the war raged, the First Infantry Division at Lai Khe in Vietnam was enjoying some well-deserved R&R - a rock band backing mini-skirted go-go dancers. From the Big Red One in 1969 collection of slides.

01/23/15 Pictures of Disneyland in 1972 from the Alice & Helen Freeland photo album.

01/22/15 Evangelist Billy Graham speaking at an event in 1970. From the Events/Activities page.

01/21/15 Seven 35mm slides from 1983 showing the Madison Hotel in Boston being imploded. From the C.D. Campbell photo album.

01/20/15 A young girl at Swope Park Zoo in Kansas City, MO in 1975. From the Texas Family albom.

01/19/15 Check out these pictures of Gehman's auto Diner (now Jenny's Diner) in Lancaster, PA being moved to a new location. From the William Cox slides page.

01/18/15 25 slides taken in 1963 at the anual Milton Bradley office Christmas party. From the Robert L. Cobb - Milton Bradley Company album.

01/17/15 28 pictures from the family's time in Wisconsin. If you live at at 4169 Cherokee or 3096, 396 or 3196 Ridgeway in Madison, WI you might enjoy looking through these pictures. From the Robert & Leslie Teel/Scott & Judy Hart slides album.

01/16/15 This is a small pile of slides showing a Leawood, Kansas neighborhood (76th and Tomahawk) in the 1950s. From the Robert & Leslie Teel/Scott & Judy Hart family album.

01/15/15 Robert & Leslie Teel/Scott & Judy Hart lot of slides in progress.

01/14/15 1960s views of Salton Sea, Santa's Village & Knotts Berry Farm. From the John Davey photo album.

01/13/15 A half-dozen pictures from 1971 of Lumbertown USA amusement park in Brainerd, MN. From the Amusement Parks page.

There are cool pictures of other American amusement parks and roadside attractions on the site, like Weeki Wachee City of Mermaids, Buffalo Ranch, Calico Ghost Town, Santa's Village, Noah's Ark Restaurant, Iron Mountain Iron Mine Tour, Mitchell Corn Palace, Wall Drug, Storybook Land, Bewitched Village, Storybook Gardens, Greenfield Village, Busch Gardens, Upside Down House, Frontier Village, Willow Grove Amusement Park, Marineland, Disneyland, Reptile Gardens, Pink Garter Theatre, Knott's Berry Farm, Little America Travel Center, Paul Bunyan Land, Virginia City, Central City Colarado, Dutch Village and more.

01/12/15 Several pictures of the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California in 1963 in this lot. From the Fred Hodgson Family album.

01/11/15 Here's a few pictures of Halloween Trick or Treaters in 1968. From the Roger Verseput, III slides page.

01/10/15 Here's a picture of a girl getting her hair teased up, up and away! From the Benecki Family family album of slides.

01/09/15 Pictures of New Orleans in 1975 from the Jean T. Bowers family album.

01/08/15 Here are 55 pictures of Columbus Park in downtown Kansas City circa 1980. These are from the O'Neal/Swicegood, Inc. slide collection.

01/07/15 This picture shows 31st street in Kansas City in the early 1950s. You can see a partially assembled KCMO-TV transmitter tower. Most likely taken from the Liberty Memorial. From the O'Neal/Swicegood, Inc. album.

01/06/15 Finished the 1968 vacation in Canada. The trip includes pictures of Animaland, New Brunswick, Fundy Pool at National Park of Canada, Aquarium of Niagara Falls, Old Orchard Beach in York County, Maine, Old Sturbridge Village in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, Magnetic Hill, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada and more.

01/05/15 Finished the 1969 trip west. The lot includes pictures of Wall Drug, Reptile Gardens, Cody Wyoming, Jackson Hole Aerial Tram, Old West Wax Museum, Pink Garter Theatre, Dutch Pantry, Mitchell Corn Palace and more.

01/04/15 Disneyland, Primadonna Resort & Knott's Berry Farm from 1969 from the Van Zetten slide collection.

Will finish the 4 remaining California trip carousels today and then work on Hawaii, Canada, Virginia, Texas slides the rest of the week.

01/03/15 New Salem Fire Deparment Ford Pumpers from 1968 from the Van Zetten - New Salem/Voorheesville, New York Family slide collection.

01/02/15 Agway Enterprise Service from the Van Zetten - New Salem/Voorheesville, New York Family family album.

01/01/15 Started on the Van Zetten - New Salem/Voorheesville, New York Family album today. Look at this wonderful vintage Go Kart!

12/31/14 Will finish the Indiana Family album today. There are some fun pictures of local businesses like Sap's Coffee House, Aren's Cafeteria, Armans Restaurant, Apple Valley Market and Value Mart Catalog Showroom.

12/30/14 Started on the Indiana Family album today.

12/29/14 I've posted all of the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and half of the 1980s slides from the Dave Meyer Family album. Should finish this today and then start on a fresh family.

12/28/14 Attractive pixie in a terry cloth swim suit posed on a mod bean bag here.

12/27/14 I thought this was a 1970 shot of the Kalamazoo Airport but after looking at pictures I'm not sure. Perhaps a library or school? From the Dave Meyer Family slide album.

12/26/14 This is what 1979 looked like. From the Dave E. Meyer Family album of pictures.

12/25/14 Check out the sweet pile of Christmas toys these girls scored in the 1970s - a yellow bicycle with flowered banana seat, Monopoly, Play-Doh Funny Pumper, Winnie the Pooh, Chinese & Regular Checkers, Vanity Toy Cosmetics, Porcelain Toy Tea Set, Play Nurse Kit, Operation, The Partridge Family Sound Magazine, Nurse Play Set, Sears Red Wagon, Super Poster Kit, Dolls & Deluxe Lite Brite. from the Misc./Unusual/People/Things page.

12/24/14 Here's a fun Christmas morning lot from 1955 and 1956 from the Dave E. Meyer Family page.

12/23/14 Got the first 3 lots up on the Dave E. Meyer Family album. This is going to be a good one.

12/22/14 Look at these pictures of the Weeki Wachee Springs underwater mermaid show in 1964 from the Vacationing Family 1961-1965 collection.

Replaced some missing images (including unspectacular shots of the Salton Sea resort on the William G. Cox page.

Starting on the Dave E. Meyer Family slides this week.

12/21/14 Troop 333 Webster, NY Boy Scout lot is finished!

12/20/14 A few nice shots of the touristy part of Central City, Colorado in 1964 from the Vacationing Family 1961-1965 page.

12/19/14 Yes Sir or Madam, here is a shot of the Malaga Motel and Apartments in 1965 from the Vacationing Family 1961-1965 family album. I should have this complete collection scanned and posted this weekend.

12/18/14 Disneyland in 1964 from the Vacationing Family 1961-1965 collection of slides.

12/17/14 This family's 1962 trip West included a stop at Little America Travel Center in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

12/16/14 Pictures of Disneyland in 1974 in the Jack Weikel album of slides.

12/15/14 Putting off working on the Boy Scout lot again and starting on this collection this week.

A fistful of pictures of Kansas City's Swope Park Zoo in 1975. These are from the Texas Family Collection.

12/14/14 Finally got a few lots scanned and posted from the Webster, NY Scout Troop 333 album of slides.

Pictures of planes at and around McClellan Airport/McClellan Airfield in Sacramento, California and a classic lemonade stand from the Walter H. Wade photo album.

12/13/14 Children in Halloween costumes in1958. From the Roger Verseput, III photo album.

12/12/14 Boy fishing with a Miller beer perched on his leg. From the just-completed Edgerton, Minnesota slide collection.

12/11/14 Some neato Christmas pictures of Horikawa's Attacking Martian Robot in the Edgerton, Minnesota family album.

12/10/14 Surpassed 1,000 lots of slides available for sale with plenty still to post.

Added several more 1970s lots to the Edgerton, Minnesota family lot. Includes this 1971 picture of Paul Bunyan and Babe statue in Bemidji, Minnesota and another classic model train running around the Christmas tree picture.

12/09/14 Posted fun batch of holiday and vacation photos from the De Kam family in the 1960s.

I'm continually amazed that these beautiful collections of slides escape the families clutches. I know the typical scenario is that whoever ended up with them dies at some point and then everything gets unloaded at an estate sale because all of the family members live in other cities. There has been more than one occasion when I found the photographer's online obituary and discovered that he/she died within a month or two of the slides finding their way to me. I obviously love going through old slides and learning about the family but it is always a little bittersweet when I think about the conditions that lead to them going from treasured memories to garage sale items.

12/08/14 Identified my mystery family! Faith is Faith De Kam, married to Wayne De Kam, son of Helena Pearl Tinklenberg and Nelvin P. De Kam from Minnesota. Helena died on November 14, 2011. Nelvin died on August 7, 1983. Thank you to for helping with this one.

Also found this, from 2003: Faith De Kam is a mentor, small group ministry leader and substitute teacher. She is involved in their family business, her church and community. She loves the Lord and marvels at how He works in her life. Cautiously, she says she aspires to writing something profound and having a hole-in-one. Faith and her husband Wayne live in Edgerton, Minnesota and spend the winters in Palm Springs, California. They have two sons and two daughters.

It appears that Wayne turned operations (possibly after having the business handed down to him at some point) of De Kam Seed & Fertilizer over to his son Darrin De Kam.

Will update their page later this morning.

Added this series of slides featuring Faith posing in a pink bathing suit in the late 1950s/early 1960s. From the De Kam family lot.

12/07/14 Starting on this collection of slides from the De Kam family instead of the Boy Scouts lot. Should have this one finished this month.

12/06/14 35 slides taken at the 1982 Worlds Fair in Knoxville, Tennessee. Sample from the John Davey photo album.

12/05/14 I love this 1957 living room scene. More pictures from the Montgomery and Dunham family (Nancy, Larry, Dixie & Lee) here.

12/04/14 You might enjoy this collection of pictures taken in Vietnam in 1970-1971, this series from Big Red One's camp at Lai Khe in 1969 or this set of slides from Saigon in 1964-1966.

12/03/14 A couple on what I think is a Polaris Sno Traveler snowmobile in 1964. This lot is in the Robert Cobb photo album.

12/02/14 An adult Christmas party that includes the people playing the toothpick and Lifesaver game in 1967. From the William Cox slides page.

12/01/14 I have about 800 misc slides to scan and post, most of them singles or small lots, and then I'll start on the large Boy Scout slides.

Finished scanning and posting the slides from the the St. Louis Family. Dig, if you will, this shot of the San Francisco Orpheum Theatre marquee (Doctor Zhivago) and the Civic Center Pharmacy right around the corner.

11/30/14 Some interesting Missouri and Kansas city views/street scenes in this lot from the St. Louis Family page.

11/29/14 Put up this 300 slide lot, mostly documenting a Florida vacation in the early 1980s from the St. Louis Family slide collection.

11/28/14 Look at this wonderful picture from 1958 of a family gathered around a table, drinking and playing cards from the St. Louis Family album.

11/27/14 I am thankful that I finally finished scanning and posting the Dean Bower lot of slides! That was a 2,500 slide back breaker but she's done and up for you to root around in. Starting on the St. Louis Family album.

11/26/14 Put up several scouting event slides up from the Dean Bower slides. Assuming that these are from Troop 25 but could be wrong. Scouts names include Ron Holtz, Joe Custin, Carl Dow, Tom English, Leonard Early, Charles Alexander, Ricky Szejva/Ricky Szejua and Mike Burns.

11/25/14 Got the 400 slide lot up from the Dean Bower collection. If you or your parents went to Addison Trail High School in the 1980s you'll want to go poke around in this lot as it made up mostly of pictures of students from the drama/theater department. Still have a few 70s rolls to go before I'm done with the whole album. Should finish this tomorrow.

From the Midwestern Family slide lot: 21 pictures of the Mills Brothers Circus in town in the late 1950s. Includes many images of the performers.

11/24/14 Finally got the Midwestern Family photo album up. The lot is made up of about 350 slides, most of them red bordered Kodachromes from the late 1950s.

Still need to finish up the Dean Bower slide lot. This includes a half dozen rolls of film (slides) from the 1970s. Will probably compile the balance of 1980s and 1990s slides into one large lot and then move on to a new family.

Pictures of vintage Christmas decorations mixed with ainimal heads and some nature pictures. Check out Michael Jackson on the TV. This lot and thousands of other slides in the the William G. Cox album.

11/23/14 I love pictures of old motel signage and I often find that in a lot of vintage family vacation slides somebody will have taken a picture of their motel's neon sign. The Jack Weikel family album includes a nice shot of one of the Gate-way Motel signs that dotted the United States in 1970. This collection also includes pictures from a trip to Europe in 1973 and Disneyland in 1974

11/22/14 128 pictures, mostly of a Michigan couple's vacations in Honolulu and at Tom Walker's Grist Mill in Fenton, MI in 1976. Taken from the Bonnie and Brian slide album.

11/21/14 Christmas decorations in the living room in 1969. Taken from the Marvin Eichenlaub slides page.

11/20/14 Another vintage 35mm slide documenting the popularity of electric train sets as Christmas presents from the Bonnie & Brian family album.

11/19/14 33 slides taken of the Charles & Diana royal wedding and proceding procession in 1981 in the C.D. Campbell family slide collection.

11/18/14 Four original and unpublished slides of the Richard Nixon motorcade in Tulsa 1960 in the Stanton Family photo album.

11/17/14 Pictures of go-kart racing at Boschertown Grand Prix in 1984 in the Ralph P. Anderson family album.

11/16/14 No electric train for Christmas? How about a new BB gun? From the Robert Brannon Family collection of slides.

11/15/14 From the 1950s American Family lot: How many kids are going to get electric train sets for Christmas in 2014?

11/14/14 Got the Pennsylvania Amusement Parks lot scanned and posted. This small lot is from a family's visit to Dutch Wonderland, Memorytown, The Pennsylvania Dutch Farm, the Bavarian Barrel House and the Thornhurst Picnic Area in 1974.

Dig if you will this 1970 Thanksgiving meal (electric knife for turky carving!) from the William G. Cox family.

11/13/14 Check out this lot of 38 family slides from a Cobb family 1966 holiday at Lake Thompson in Nova Scotia, Canada. There are some good pictures of the Laurel Lea Motor Lodge and Restaurant on Route 302 which was run by Mike Shulack.

11/12/14 There is a tendency for visitors to overlook the Family Photo Albums section, following the individual categories on the top of the page instead. The Family Photo Albums pages are chronologically sorted slides from a single family's history. The lot is divided by roll of film rather than divided up into categories so there is a lot of variety on one page. THESE are the pages to paw through while running out the clock at work.

Two more lots in the queue for when I finish posting the Bower family slides:

1) A nice stack of slides depicting a family's 1974 visit to the Pennsylvania Dutch Dairy Farm, Dutch Wonderland Amusement Park and Thornhurst Picnic Area.

2) A few hundred (mostly red border/red frame Kodak) slides of a family possibly located in IL. There are a lot of shots of the Mills Circus and a few motels from the late 1950s, early 1960s.

11/11/14 Added more pictures of the Boy Scout Troop 25 in Normal, IL from 1972.

I finally figured out the reason for the pictures of movie stills. They must have been for Dean's drama/theatre classes.

11/10/14 Posting a big pile from the Dale N. Bower lot of slides today. Subjects include

-Addison Trail High School plays, homecoming and gymnastic events in the early 1980s
-Boy Scouts trip at Hardwood Lake in Ogemaw County, Michigan in 1975
-a trip to Miami in 1972
-Alton Little Theater and Alton High School plays in 1972
(Actors/students/stage crew members pictured in the Alton Little Theater and Alton High School lot include Rick Alis, Nan Paeltz, Sue Bonafede, Janet Catt, Peggy, Sue Berg, Tim Ferrell, Chris Hellrung, Dorothy Colonius, Luella Heil, Thea Takinson, Gary Phelps, Mal Graham, Gene Bennett, Jerry Trotter or Jerry Trattler, Jim Baerkle, Ralph Kamlos, Harry Presley, Winnie Biley, Helen Miller, Bud Pribish, Roger Weisman, Bill Grant, Delmas Jouett, Theo Takinson and more.)

Hey, did I ever mention that vintage family slides make great Christmas presents? I mean, they probably don't unless you are one of those imaginative gift-giving rebels who think outside of the pre-fabricated gift box. Is that you?

11/09/14 I'm starting to make real progress on the amazing Dale N. Bower lot. I hope to have this completely scanned and posted in a couple of weeks.

11/08/14 Picked up another St. Louis family lot of about 1,000 slides. Still have the Boy Scouts of America - Troop 333 - Webster, NY lot and several 100-500 slide lots to post over the next few months.

11/07/14 Decided to add a blog so that you know what's been added to the site.

Another Website!
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